In Oklahoma? Come to The OpenBeta “Unconference”
If you’re in or around the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma area, you need to schedule some time for the upcoming OpenBeta "Unconference". From the event website:>OpenBeta is an un-conference — a participant-driven community event aimed at exposing ideas and creating opportunities by connecting smart, passionate and motivated people with different expertises.
The event will be held on Thursday, October 30, 2008 at the IAO Gallery in downtown Oklahoma City at 7:00pm. It’s going to be a night of good fun and networking with like-minded technology-oriented individuals in Oklahoma. I’ll be giving a quick 5-minute lightning talk presentation myself on my upcoming InvoiceMore project and what makes it different from competing online billing and involving services that already exist.
Please consider attending, and have those networking skills ready!
Categories: Announcements, Community